Location: Kalona, Iowa, United States

Husband and Wife wedding and lifestyle photographers based in Iowa.

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    23 April 2008

    A Proper Mullet Shot

    I know in the modern age of photography, a lot of people are sharing tips and tricks on how to nail that exposure, and "seize the moment" when the light is right to create the perfect shot, but you don't hear people talking a great deal on how to nail the perfect shot of a particular hairstyle... that of the oft-mentioned, yet rarely appreciated, mullet. In my 28 years of life, I have been able to develop a very keen sense of a mullet's presence, and can spot one at 100 yards even in fog or rain. And, I happen to have a very good friend who has successfully managed to grow one of these distinctive follicle creations. So, Jodi was at the right place at the right time, when he struck a pose for the camera the other day. So, while I'm not giving you tips on how to capture the element of the perfect mullet shot, I will show you one.  The pose was 100% in sarcastic humor in regards to senior portraits of the 1990's, so please do not regard my friend in an ill manner based solely on the image you are about to see.  Click here to view the image.  



    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    OMG!!!! Amazing! I have to laugh at your "mullet eye" friends and I love to scope them out too! And I HATE to admit it, but I had one when I wa younger. UGHHH. Print Competition with that beauty, Jodi? LOL:)

    8:55 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No no, it's all wrong. He needs to have a leather jacket slung over his shoulder!


    9:08 AM  
    Blogger The Chmelars said...

    ahem. there are no words!

    1:24 PM  

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