Location: Kalona, Iowa, United States

Husband and Wife wedding and lifestyle photographers based in Iowa.

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    01 October 2008

    Megan :: Senior Style

    Megan moved here from out-of-state, and her old friends back home think she moved to "Hickville, USA".  So, she decided to play along for their sake!  We went to our neighbors, and tried to convice their steers/cows/whatever they were, that they needed their pictures taken.  Unfortunately, they weren't easily convinced...  but it ended up okay.

    If you had $1000 to spend in only ONE store, where would you go?: Target

    You have unlimited money for one month: what do you do, and where do you go?
    travel to Europe

    Favorite Sports Team(s)? the colts

    Favorite Restaurant: Olive Garden

    Two People you would love to meet? Jensen Ackles and Michael Phelps

    What is playing on your (iPod) right now? Forever the Sickest Kids - Whoa Oh

    Obama or McCain? Obama

    What's one thing you've always wanted to do? scuba diving

    This annoys you: waking up in the morning

    Your future plans (college, missions trips, career, etc....): visit europe after graduation then college for massage therapy

    Something that's way overrated is: being popular

    One thing you would tell yourself if you could go back in time to your freshman year: don’t procrastinate on research papers

    Person you most admire: my mom

    One thing I cannot live without is: my cell phone

    And finally: Would You Rather: be able to take back anything you say OR be able to hear any conversation? why?  Hear any conversation b/c you would know who you could trust and I bet you'd definitely hear some interesting stories with it.



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