Location: Kalona, Iowa, United States

Husband and Wife wedding and lifestyle photographers based in Iowa.

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    13 August 2007

    A Post.

    I am on a massive deadline, so I haven't been able to post much...obviously. But just wanted to let you know that we have some really cool things happening around GP! For one, we have tons of seniors that are coming in, and I'll have some previews on the blog before the weekend, hopefully. And, something to keep your eyes open for is the first ever "Drown the Gown" session, where a senior girl takes her prom dress to a place it wasn't meant to be.... water!! It looks pretty cool, so stay tuned for that and some exciting news from the GP camp.

    More later....

    Rodney's Fun Facts

    TOP TEN MONEY DRAINS according to

    1. Coffee -- According to the National Coffee Association, the average price for brewed coffee is $1.38. There are roughly 260 weekdays per year, so buying one coffee every weekday morning costs almost $360 per year. ** Double or Triple that if you're a Starbucks fan.**

    2. Cigarettes -- The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids reports that the average price for a pack of cigarettes in the United States is $4.54. Pack-a-day smokers fork out $1,660 a year. Weekend smoker? Buying a pack once a week adds up, too: $236.

    3. Alcohol -- Drink prices vary based on the location. But assuming an average of $5 per beer including tip, buying two beers per day adds up to $3,650 per year. Figure twice that for two mixed drinks a day at the local bar. That's not chump change.

    4. Bottled water from convenience stores -- A 20-ounce bottle of Aquafina bottled water costs about $1. One bottle of water per day costs $365 per year. It costs the environment plenty, too.

    5. Manicures -- The Day Spa Magazine Price Survey of 2004 found that the average cost of a manicure is $20.53. A weekly manicure sets you back about $1,068 per year.

    6. Car washes -- The average cost for a basic auto detailing package is $58, according to The tab for getting your car detailed every two months: $348 per year.

    7. Weekday lunches out -- $9 will generally cover a decent lunch most work days. If you buy rather than pack a lunch five days a week for one year, you shell out about $2,350 a year.

    8. Vending machines snacks -- The average vending machine snack costs $1. Buy a pack of cookies every afternoon at work and pay $260 per year.

    9. Interest charges on credit card bills -- According to a survey released at the end of May 2007, the median amount of credit card debt carried by Americans is $6,600. Rate tables on indicate that fixed interest rates on a standard card average 13.44 percent. Making the minimum payment each month, it will take 250 months (almost 21 years) to pay off the debt and cost $4,868 in interest. Ouch!

    10. Unused memberships -- reports that the monthly service fee at gyms averages between $35 and $40. At $40 per month, an unused gym membership runs $480 per year.

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    Blogger Emily said...

    I love the Oreos. Not just because I love to eat them either...

    7:50 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    wooohoo, we don't drain our money in any of those ways!!!!!!! =) I feel smart now.

    8:46 PM  
    Blogger Emily said...

    So I love the Oreo idea, but was thinking of a way to personalize it for my wedding someday (no plans, but since you'll be my photographers, you'll be the first to know, don't worry)... I love chocolate, right? Every night before I go to bed, I always eat a handful of chocolate chips or Kisses. So I was thinking, could you do the Oero idea, but Hershey's kisses instead? Just a thought. I don't know how the photography eye sees so it might not work.

    1:40 PM  

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